
1.   AGATHOS EA “The Role of Calcitonin and Parathormone During the TransientHypocalcemia Following Total Thyroidectomy” University of Athens;1988: 1-58
2.   AGATHOS EA, Lianis P, Chanoun G, Kontaxakis K “Ectopic Gastric Tissue ina Young Adult” Iatrika Chronika; Vol 11.11, Nov 1988: 949-51
3.   AGATHOS EA, Pappa M, Papadopoulos O, Kontaxakis K“Ring TypeAdenocarcinoma of Small Intestine. Case Report and Bibliographic Reference” Iatrika Chronica; Vol 11.9, Sept 1988: 867-71
4.   AGATHOS EA, Starr “Mitral Valve Replacement” Current Problems inSurgery; Vol XXX, June 1993: 481-600
5.   AGATHOS EA, Starr A “Aortic Valve Replacement” Current Problems inSurgery; Vol XXX; July 1993: 601-720
6.   AGATHOS EA, Hussein A, Trehan H, Trenholme S, Floten S “TraumaticPseudoaneurysm of Left Internal Mammary Artery Graft” Ann Thorac Surg 1993; 56:966-8
7.   AGATHOS EA, King D, Starr A “Valve Repair for Mitral Insufficiency inthe Aging Population” Greek Journal of Clin Pathology; Vol 9-11, No 39-41, Dec1994: 8-11
8.   ΑGATHOS EA, Torchiana DF, Buckley MJ, Daggett WM, Vlahakes G, HilgenbergA, Austin G. “Mitral Valve Replacement for Postinfarction Papillary MuscleRupture” Acta Chirurgica Hellenica 1996,68:600-605
9.   AGATHOS EA, Moran M, Mangion J, Engelman RM, Rousou JA. “Diverticula” ofAnterior Mitral Valve Leaflet as a Cause of Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis J HeartValve Dis 1996:Vol.5, No3, 309-11
10.  JRousou, R Engelman, J Flack III, D Deaton, A AGATHOS, J Garb, S Owen “Does the presence of carotid diseasepredispose to stroke during normothermic coronary revascularization?” CardiovascularSurgery vol. 4 issue 5October, 1996. p. 665
11.  AE Petropoulos, ML Cheney, EA AGATHOS, A Lamothe «A Peripatetic PancreaticPseudocyst in the Neck» J of Otolaryngology 2000:Vol 29, No 4, 247-250
12.  EA AGATHOS, GP Hatziantoniou,GI Kontogiannis, GT Mastrokostopoulos,  BI Michalev, PN Petropoulakis «Giant Chronic DissectingAneurysm of the Ascending Aorta Type II Following Multiple Open HeartOperations»  Hellenic J Cardiology  2001: Vol 42, 48-52
13.  K Vourdami, L Stergiou, CPriftis, J Ziotis, B Lepenos, G Kontogiannis, EA AGATHOS, D Papantonatos «AStudy of Factors Influencing the Duration of Mechanical Ventilation FollowingCABG» Nosokomiaka Chronika 2002: Vol 64, 283 
14.  EA AGATHOS, P Siderakis, G Kontogiannis, B Lepenos, J Boulgaris, L Stergiou, DPapantonatos «Total Hypothermic Arrest for Redo Tricuspid Valve Replacement»Syghroni Iatriki Enimerosi 2002: Vol 8, 65-67
15.  C Priftis, L Stergiou, EA AGATHOS, D Papantonatos «Pulmonary Embolism» Syghroni Iatriki Enimerosi 2003:Vol 10, 29-38
16.  EA AGATHOS «Developments inCardiac Surgery» Syghroni Iatriki Enimerosi 2003: Vol 10, 45-51
17.  Stergiou L, AGATHOS EA, Priftis C, Papantonatos D “Surgical treatment of  infective endocarditis” Medical Annals 2004: Vol 27, 558-560
18.  EA AGATHOS, SFregoglou, A. Katsianis, P. Siderakis, N, Drakopoulou “ Chronic PulmonaryEmbolism” Journal of Cardiac Surgery; Vol 24, issue 3, pp 317-8, April 2009
19. EA AGATHOS, P Tomos, E. Lachanas. H Gakiopoulou, A Pantopoulou, D
Perrea “Experimental replacement of pig trachea with novel bioprosthesisfrom Harp Seal” Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals; Vol. 18, No. 6, pp557-562, Dec. 2010

20. P Tomos, G Karagkiouzis, P Paraskeva, E Spartalis, E Lachanas, TP              
 Vassilakopoulos, EA AGATHOS  “Three-DimensionalImaging of a   
           Ductus Arteriosus Aneurysm in anAdult” Ann Thorac Surg  2011; 91:931
21. EA AGATHOS, M Shen, Μ Katsiboulas, P Koutsoukos, G Gloustianou         "In vivo calcification of glutaraldehyde fixed cardiacvalve and
       pericardium of Phoca Groenlandica"ASAIO Journal; 57(4):328-332, 
       July/August 2011
22. EA AGATHOS,E. Lachanas, G. Karagiouzis, E. Spartalis, P. Tomos
“Cardiopulmonary bypass-assistedresection of mediastinal masses” Journal of Cardiac Surgery; Volume 27, Issue 3, pages 338–341, May 2012
23. EA AGATHOS, M Shen, W Styrc, S Giannakopoulou, E Lachanas, P Tomos “Hydrodynamic performance of a prototype bioprosthetic valve derived from the pulmonary valve of Phoca Groenlandica” ASAIO Journal;

58(5):535-539,September/October 2012.

24. P Tomos, E Lachanas, EA AGATHOS, L Grigorakos  “Pulmonary          aspergillosis in chronic Leflunomidetreatment” Surgical Infections. August 2012, 13(4): 282-283

  25.C  Markakis,  P Tomos,  ESpartalisP Lampropoulos,  L
GrigorakosDDimitroulis, ELachanas, EA AGATHOS
            “The  Belsey Mark IV: an operation with an enduringrole in the    
              management of complicated hiatalhernia” BMC Surgery 2013, 13:24
  26. EA AGATHOS, D Tafralis,G Kafetsis,G Gloustianou,E Lachanas
            “Local Cardiac Recurrence ofIntravenous Leiomyomatosis”
              Ann Thorac Surg  2014; 97 (3),p.1084
  27. EA AGATHOS “Support System of BioprostheticValves With A Heart     
           Shape Commissural Post”J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2015;8(2_S):S55-S55
   28.  E SpartalisC  MarkakisD  MorisE Lachanas, EA AGATHOS, A
            KarakatsaniG KaragkiouzisA Athanasiou, D Dimitroulis, P Tomos
            "Results of the modifiedbi-pectoral muscle flap procedure for 

          post-sternotomy deep wound infection” Surgery Today, May 2015, 1-6
   29. EA AGATHOS Bioprosthetic Valves With A Novel Support System With     
             Heart Shape CommissuralPosts” SM J Cardiolog and Cardiovasc   
    30. EA AGATHOS, A Katsianis,A Saridaki, D Katritsis “A Neglected Case of 
           Pacing Wire Endocarditis” Surg Infect (Larchmt), Jul 2016, 17(4):499
    31. EA AGATHOS “The use of asecond arterial conduit does not improve
            the long-term survivalin patients after coronary artery bypass: a
            Swedish nationwideregistry study” hellenicjcardiol, [S.l.], v. 59, n. 4, p. 
            326,Oct. 2018.

    32. EA AGATHOS, P. Tomos, N. Kostomitsopoulos, P. Koutsoukos “
            Sodium  Bisulphiteas an anticalcification treatment for implantable
            biological tissues” ( paperaccepted for publication at the Journal of
     33. EA AGATHOS, P. Tomos, N. Kostomitsopoulos,P. Koutsoukos
           “Calcitonin as an anticalcificationtreatment for implantable biological    
            tissues” Journal of Cardiology Vol.73, Issue 2, Feb.2019, pp 179-182


1.   Pierakakis S, Petousis G, Xepapadakis G, AGATHOSEA, Giomisis Th, Philippakis M “A study of endogenous proteases inactivation inacute pancreatitis” 13th Hellenic Medical Conference; Athens; May 5-9, 1987
2.   AGATHOS EA, Babos A, Athanasiou P, Viskos D,Pararas G, Philippakis M “Transient Hypocalcemia After Total Thyroidectomy”16th Hellenic Medical Association Conference; Athens; Oct 2-5, 1988
3.   AGATHOS EA,Papadopoulos O,Lianis P,PararasG,Poulangas N,Philippakis M “Study of Serum Thyroglobulin Changes After TotalThyroidectomy” 16th Hellenic Medical Association Conference; Athens; Oct 2-5,1988
4.   Feretis D, Nissiotis Th, AGATHOS EA, Koutsikou M“Endoscopic Sphincterectomy. An Analysis of 161 Patients” Days ofGastroenterology; Cyprus;June 10-15, 1988
5.   Starr A, AGATHOS EA St Vincent’s Heart Institute,Portland, Oregon, USA “NewTrends in Cardiac Surgery” Cardiovascular Update; Anchorage Alaska;Feb 19-20, 1993
6.   ΑGATHOS EA, Torchiana DF, Buckley MJ, Daggett WM, Vlahakes G, HilgenbergA, Austin G. Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,USA “Mitral Valve Replacement for Postinfarction Papillary Muscle Rupture” 1stPanhellenic Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgical Meeting; Athens;  Dec 1-4, 1995
7.   John A. Rousou, Richard M. Engelman, Joseph E.Flack, David W. Deaton, Pankaj Kulshrestha, E. ANDREAS AGATHOS, Susannah Owen.“The Combination of Warm Preservation and Total Retention of Mitral ApparatusLeads to Improved Results in Mitral Valve Replacement” Baystate Medical Center,Tuffts Medical School, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA  American College of Surgeons, San Francisco,Oct 25 1996
8.   Rousou JA, Engelman RM, Flack JE III, Deaton DW,AGATHOS EA, Garb JL, Owen SG. BaystateMedical Center,Tuffts MedicalSchool, Springfield, MA, USA.  “Does the Presence of Untreated Carotid ArteryDisease Predispose to Stroke During Normothermic CoronaryRevascularization?  Poster Presentationat ISCVS meeting, June 1996, Chicago, IL, USA
9.   EA AGATHOS, J. Ambrus, J. Kalgreen, D. McTavish, M.Ogle, R. Schroeder,  W. Mirsh «Ygeia»Hospital, Athens-Greece & St. Jude Medical, Inc., Minneaopolis-USA  «Anatomy and Performance Of BioprostheticHeart Valves From Grey Seals» 1st International Congress of ThoraxSurgery, Athens, July 1-8 1997
10.  EA AGATHOS, J Anbrus, JKalgreen,D McTavish, MOgle, R Schroeder, W  Mirsh St Jude Medical, Inc.,Minneapolis-USA «Structure and Function of Bioprosthetic Heart Valves from GreySeals» 47th International Congress of the European Society forCardiovascular Surgery, Paris-France,September 26-29, 1998
11. ΑΕ Petropoulos, ML Cheney, EA AGATHOS, A Lamothe «A Peripatetic MysteriousNeck Mass» Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society ofOtolaryngology Toronto, Canada, May 28, 2000
12.  EA AGATHOS «SurgicalRevascularization in the Elderly Patients» Hellenic Cardiological Society Athens, March 1-4, 2000
13.  L Stergiou, EA AGATHOS, DAhtipis, B Lepenos, P Kanatas, D Papantonatos « A Study of the QT WaveDispersion Following Aortocoronary Operation» 7th Αnnual Meeting of theHellenic Society of Internal Medicine Athens,October 16-20, 2001
14. L Stergiou, K Vourdami, B Lepenos, G Kontogiannis,C Priftis, EA AGATHOS, D Papantonatos  “Clinicaland Epidemiological Features of Young and Elder Patients Undergoing CardiacSurgery” 15th Annual Congress of Intensive Care Medicine, Barcelona,Spain, Sep 29-Oct 2, 2002
15. L Stergiou, C Priftis, C Pavlopoulos, V Lepenos, VTanou, EA AGATHOS, D Papantonatos «Magnesium administration following CABGreduces the incidence of atrial fibrillation» Panhellenic Congress on IntensiveCare Management Athens,October 17-19, 2003
16. L Stergiou, C Priftis, V lepenos, G Efstathiou, PChristodoulou, EA AGATHOS, D Papantonatos «Prognostic Factors of Neurologic Events Following CABG» PanhellenicCongress on Intensive Care Management Athens, October 17-19, 2003
17. L Stergiou, G Dounis, C Priftis, B Tanou, GEfstathiou, P Christodoulou, B Lepenos, EA AGATHOS, D Papantonatos «NosokomialPrognosis and Postoperative Complications in Diabetic Patients Following CABG»8th Panhellenic Congress in Dabetes,  Athens,March 12-16,  2003
18.  G Dounis, L Stergiou, CPriftis,G Efstathiou, BTanou, P Christodoulou, EA AGATHOS, DPapantonatos«Clinical, Epidemiological and Angiograpfic Findings in DiabeticPatients Undergoing CABG»8th Panhellenic Congress in Diabetes,  Athens, March 12-16, 2003
19. L Stergiou, C Priftis, C Pavlopoulos, V Lepenos, EAAGATHOS, D Papantonatos  “Clinical andepidemiological parameters of patients undergoing repeat revascularization ofcoronaries arteries” 5th Panhellenic and 2nd BalcanCongress in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery,  Athens, October 21-23, 2004
20. EA AGATHOS “Native valve endocarditis; Replacementor repair?” 5th Panhellenic and 2nd Balcan Congress inCardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery,  Athens, October 21-23, 2004
21. L Stergiou, C Priftis, D Dimitroulis, CPavlopoulos, V Lepenos, EA AGATHOS, D Papantonatos “The role of extracorporealcirculation in the diastolic function of left ventricle following aortocoronarybypass operation” 5th Panhellenic and 2nd Balcan Congressin Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery,  Athens, October 21-23, 2004
22.  L Stergiou, C Priftis, S Giassas, I Giotis, EAAGATHOS, D Papantonatos “Aortocoronary Bypass operation and Left MainDisease: Surgical Complication and Outcome” 10th Panhellenic Congress of Intensive Care, Athens, October 14-16, 2005.
23. EA AGATHOS. “ Milestones in Bioprosthetic CardiacValve Replacement” 5th Annual Meeting of Hellenic Society of ExtracorporealCirculation,  May 5, 2006. Athens, Greece
24. S Fregoglou, EA AGATHOS “Three Years OldProgressive Dyspnoea. Case Presentation”, Poster Presentation. 16th Panhellenic Congress of RespiratoryDisease,  December 6-9, 2007, Athens,Greece
25.  EA AGATHOS, P Tomos, ELachanas, S Kirkalos, A Pantopoulou, D Perrea. “Allotransplantation of pig tracheas with seal’s trachea”, 7thPanhellenic Congressof Cardiothoracic Surgery,  November28-30, 2008. Thessaloniki, Greece
26.  EA AGATHOS, E. Lachanas, E. Spartalis, A.Papaharalambous, G. Karagiousis, C. Markakis, M. Douskou, P. Tomos “The role ofextracorporeal circulation in the resection of mesenchymal neoplasm of themediastinum encircling the right pulmonary artery” Lung Cancer Symposium,  June 10-13, 2010, Corfu, Greece
27.  EA AGATHOS, M. Shen, M.Katsiboulas, P. Koutsoukos “A comparative study of in vivo calcification ofcardiac valve and pericardium of Phoca Groenlandica versus bovine pericardiumin a rat subdermal implantation model”, 8th Panhellenic Congress ofCardiothoracic Surgery,  November 18-20,2010, Athens, Greece
28.  EA AGATHOS, M. Shen, W. Styrc, S. Giannakopoulou, E. Lachanas, I. Tomos, P. Tomos. “Hydrodynamicanalysis of a novel bioprosthetic valve derived from the pulmonary valve ofPhoca Groenlandica”,  8th PanhellenicCongress of Cardiothoracic Surgery, November 18-20, 2010, Athens, Greece
29.  EA AGATHOS “Diabetes and Cardiac Surgery”.Educational Course, 
Nov.19, 2011, Santorini, Greece
30.  EA AGATHOS “Informed Consent in Cardiac Surgery”, MedicalNegligence and Bioethics II, March 14-15, 2014, Athens, Greece
31.  EA AGATHOS “SupportSystem of Bioprosthetic Valves With A Heart     
      Shape Commissural Post”.Poster Presentation. Cardiac Research 
      Technology 2015, February 21-24, 2015 Washington,USA
32. EA AGATHOS “Information and Consent of the Cardiac Surgical Patient”
      13th Conference ofArmed Forces Intensive Care Unit, May 22-23, 2015,   
      Athens, Greece
33. C. Vassou, G. Xronopoulou, A. Kouki, EA AGATHOS, A. Konstantinou, P.
      Tofas, K. Petrakis, A.Tsakris.  “Bacteremia from CitrobacterAmalonaticus,
      VIM-positive, related tocentral catheter in a cardiac surgical patient”   
      Poster Presentation. 9thPanhellenic Congress of Medical Biopathology,
      June 2-4, 2016, Athens,Greece
34. EA AGATHOS “ A Novel Hellenic Bioprosthetic Heart Valve” 11th 
     Panhellenic Congress of Cardiothoracic Surgery, November 24-26, 2016,
     Thessaloniki, Greece


35.  EA AGATHOS,P. Tomos, N. Kostomitsopoulos, P. Koutsoukos
       “An anticalcification treatment forimplantable biological tissues using 
         Calcitonin” 12th Panhellenic Congress ofCardiothoracic Surgery,
         November 8-10, 2018, Athens,Greece
36.   EA AGATHOS, P. Tomos, N. Kostomitsopoulos, P. Koutsoukos  
        “Sodium  Bisulphiteas an anticalcification treatment for implantable
         biological tissues” e-Poster Presentation.  12th Panhellenic Congress of
         Cardiothoracic Surgery,November 8-10, 2018, Athens, Greece





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